Supreme Court Review with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky



  • Available Until 12/15/2023
  • Class Time 1:00 PM PT
  • Duration 60 min.
  • Format On-Demand
  • Program Code a0109
  • CA General CLE Credits: 1.50 hr(s)

Enroll Free for CLE


Recorded on September 23, 2023

Dean Erwin Chemerinsky addresses Supreme Court updates.

Topics include: 

  • Affirmative action
  • Civil rights litigation
  • Confrontation clause
  • Double jeopardy
  • Habeas corpus
  • Statute of limitations for seeking DNA testing
  • Supreme Court review of state court decisions
  • Elections
  • Executive power – and state challenges to it
  • First Amendment: speech
  • Labor law
  • Personal jurisdiction